On Monday 6th March at 6pm, a group of Year 6 pupils performed the St Anthony’s Holocaust Memorial Play. This focused on the trial at Nuremberg of Julius Streicher, former Gauleiter of Franconia and editor of the anti-Semitic magazine Der Sturmer. Streicher was accused of inciting the German people to accept the regime’s policy of…
On Friday 23rd February St. Anthony’s School for Boys celebrated its first official ‘Culture Day’. During a student council meeting, students came up with the idea that they would like to have a calendared school ‘Culture Day’ to celebrate each other and gain a deeper understanding of their peers. It was all built around our six values: be…
Our boys in Year 7 and 8 always take part in the annual Intermediate Mathematical Challenge. Although this Challenge, is aimed at pupils in Year 11 (15-16 years old), this year, we encouraged our younger boys to take part in Year 5 and 6. The boys received excellent results. We are particularly proud of all…
Richard writes about his reflections on the recent Independent School Inspection (ISI) at St Anthony’s. He explains how the new inspection framework has evolved to assess a more holistic approach to education – including the importance of student and teacher voice. Do read the article in full, published in the Ham&High here: https://www.hamhigh.co.uk/news/24094669.richard-berlie-inspection-process-independent-schools/
Chess club at St Anthony’s is humming with the sound of brain waves. This weekend, our U11 and U9 teams played in a big school tournament, both teams were awarded a bronze medal for their superb efforts. In addition, every fortnight, the pupils take part in an online chess tournament, open to all chess players…
Senior House boys were treated to an assembly about medical science given by a neurologist, Dr Sri Kodali. Sri spoke about her research into different conditions of the nervous system. She explained how doctors conduct their investigative examinations and even performed a practical demonstration on a brave Year 6 pupil.
Richard Berlie, Headmaster, was invited to speak at the Westminster Education Forum conference on 17 January. This conference looked at the priorities for the independent schools sector, in which the future of education policy, financial sustainability, and school assessment were all topics discussed. Richard spoke about the design and implementation of the new Independent School…
In keeping with the school’s philosophy of stretch and challenge, the school welcomed Maxwell Marlow to the senior house assembly this morning. Maxwell is the Director of Research at the Adam Smith Institute, and he spoke about his belief in a low-tax, free-market economy. He argued, rather controversially, that whilst the NHS has been described…
‘For Catholic schools, such as St Anthony’s in Hampstead, the unique personhood of each child goes to the very heart of our being.’ – our headmaster talks to Ham&High magazine about teaching protected characteristics. Read the full article below: Full article
We are pleased to publish the Good Schools Guide updated review for St Anthony’s. We are proud to have learning environment where there is a “unique, friendly and buzzy vibe – combining charming informality with top-notch teaching.” What a testament the excellent efforts of boys, teachers and parents! Read more here: Read review here
St. Anthony`s Summer Fair 2023!
The school community enjoyed a fantastic afternoon of Stalls, Games, an Ice Cream Van, Bouncy Castle and Face Painting. Well done to the boys on the school council for organising such a wonderful event. Thank you to all the parents and staff who helped out too! We raised lots of money for our school charities! 😍⚽🐭🌞🍦🍉🧸
#SummerFair #schoolfete #summerfun #hampsteadschools #independentschool #nw3parents #nw3schools #prepschool #prepschoollife #icecream #prizes #charityfundraising #charityevent
St Anthony’s Summer Celebration!
Last night, parents and staff came together to celebrate the end of another academic year, the beginning of Summer and to raise money for our school charities.
It was a fantastic night with a wonderful live band, PIMMS of plenty and and a delicious BBQ!
Thank you to everyone involved in bringing the evening together - Especially Ally our Charities and Outreach Coordinator. Everyone had a ball!
Hello Summer ☀️🩷🌸⭐️
#summer #summervibes #bbq #fun #friends #summer2023 #family #community #stanthonysprep #memories