The past few weeks have been filled with mathematical excitement – we have had challenges and competitions galore! This is something that the Maths faculty prides itself on at St. Anthony’s; we understand the importance of giving our boys an enriching experience of Maths, which involves the joys elicited from logic puzzles, challenges and team…
The boys made the rafters ring at St Mary’s Church with their singing at Ascension Day Mass yesterday. The Communion motet, Panis Angelicus by Cesar Franck, was sung with great devotion by the school choir which also accompanied the hymns and Mass setting. We all know that St Anthony’s is a community dedicated to kindness…
I was delighted that the senior house boys engaged so well at assembly this morning in a discussion about politics and current affairs. Nearly all of them were aware that elections took place yesterday to elect the Mayor of London and GLA councillors. I explained how elections this late in a Parliament are typically an…
The school’s focus this week has been centred around the Diocesan Inspection led by the Catholic Schools Inspectorate. Both the Lead Inspector and her assistant are serving Heads in Catholic primary schools and both have experience of working as teachers in the Independent Sector. The inspection follows a new framework agreed by the Bishops of…
In assembly, boys were addressed by Timonthy Cho about his experiences of life in North Korea. Timothy’s story is a truly fascinating one. His parents fled the country when he was a child, leaving him in the care of his grandmother. As a result of famine, he found himself homeless and living on the streets….
The Humanities department were delighted to take Year 7 and Year 8 students on a guided visit of Westminster Cathedral on Thursday 8th February. The visit was a wonderfully uplifting spiritual experience that complimented the boys’ studies of Catholicism as a part of their TPR Common Entrance preparation. The tour of Westminster Cathedral gave the boys…
The Senior Leadership Team explain more about what makes St Anthony’s a special place for your child. “At the heart of a St Anthony’s education is the belief that every child is imbued with gifts and talents that are unique to them alone; the culture and curriculum of the school is derived from the Latin…
You are never too young to start thinking about your future. Last week, we had Careers Week at St Anthony’s. The boys were treated to a plethora of speakers, including: Head of Brand and Retail for Disney, an ENT specialist, an actuary, a novelist and travel writer and two barristers. All children from Year 1,…
As we near the end of term, I reflect with pride on the performance of our Year 6 boys. The senior school outcomes, this year, have been outstanding. It is very pleasing, yet again, to see an increase in offers from some of London’s (indeed the UK’s) most academic schools. The 2024 Offers can be…
I am very pleased to share ISI’s report resulting from the inspection held in January. I am sure you will agree that there is plenty to celebrate here, and I believe the report captures so much of what we do well at St Anthony’s. Two points are clear: pupils make strong academic progress here and…
St. Anthony`s Summer Fair 2023!
The school community enjoyed a fantastic afternoon of Stalls, Games, an Ice Cream Van, Bouncy Castle and Face Painting. Well done to the boys on the school council for organising such a wonderful event. Thank you to all the parents and staff who helped out too! We raised lots of money for our school charities! 😍⚽🐭🌞🍦🍉🧸
#SummerFair #schoolfete #summerfun #hampsteadschools #independentschool #nw3parents #nw3schools #prepschool #prepschoollife #icecream #prizes #charityfundraising #charityevent
St Anthony’s Summer Celebration!
Last night, parents and staff came together to celebrate the end of another academic year, the beginning of Summer and to raise money for our school charities.
It was a fantastic night with a wonderful live band, PIMMS of plenty and and a delicious BBQ!
Thank you to everyone involved in bringing the evening together - Especially Ally our Charities and Outreach Coordinator. Everyone had a ball!
Hello Summer ☀️🩷🌸⭐️
#summer #summervibes #bbq #fun #friends #summer2023 #family #community #stanthonysprep #memories