News & Events

Word from the Head – 22 November

24th November 2024

What is the purpose of a Catholic school? The most direct answer to this question is that a Catholic school seeks to cultivate faith and conscience in each pupil so that they can live a life of heroic virtue – in the service of Almighty God and man in this world in preparation for eternal…

Historical Walking Tour

22nd November 2024

On Thursday 21st November, Years 7 and 8 took part on a Historical Walking Tour, arranged by one of our parents: Lauren Heithaus. It was an excellent opportunity to embed and further enrich our understanding of the Protestant Reformation, starting in the early Tudor era. As historians, we examined first hand, primary sources to truly…

UK Parliament Week

22nd November 2024

Parliament Week (UKPW) is an annual event, spreading the word about what Parliament is, what it does and how we can all get involved. At St Anthony’s this week, we have marked UKPW for the first time. Boys from Years 1 – 8 have each been learning about the House of Commons, the House of…

Remembrance Day – Requiem Mass

12th November 2024

Following Remembrance Day, a sung Requiem Mass was celebrated by Msgr Phelim Rowland, St Anthony’s Chaplain, at St Mary’s Hampstead. The liturgy was enriched by the school choir under the direction of music teacher Elliot Thompson. The Introit and Gradual were taken from the Graduale Romanum together with the Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei. The…

Talk by Dr Stefen Goebel on the commemoration of conflict

10th November 2024

On Friday morning, Dr Stefan Goebel from the University of Kent gave a talk to pupils at Senior House Assembly on the subject of war graves. Stefan has published extensively on the commemoration of conflict so no-one was better placed to talk on this subject ahead of the weekend’s Remembrance Day events. Pupils learnt that…

Word from the Head

10th November 2024

The Importance of Memory David Starkey, in a recent podcast, bemoaned the trend in modern education whereby children are not asked to commit much information to memory. I must admit to having some sympathy for this point of view and it is true that in recent years the rise of coursework as a form of assessment…

Dr Gabriele Finaldi, Director of the National Gallery, on ‘What’s in a Painting?’

22nd October 2024

On the final day of the first half of term, we welcomed as our speaker at Senior House Assembly Dr Gabriele Finaldi, Director of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square for the past ten years. Dr Finaldi’s talk focussed on three paintings on view in the National Gallery: Luiz Meléndez’ Still Life with Oranges and…

Notes from the Head – 11 October

11th October 2024

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow I often say to the boys that schools, if truly rooted in education, are places where everyone learns; this includes teachers and, perhaps especially, the Headmaster! Looking back at my time as a history teacher, my interaction with pupils in lessons enabled perspectives and an understanding of the past that was fresh and invigorating. I became a…

Professor Biggar on the British Empire

9th October 2024

On Friday, the school welcomed Professor Nigel Biggar, Regius Professor Emeritus of Moral Theology at the University of Oxford. Professor Biggar has published extensively during the course of a long and distinguished career. Most recently, he has written on the moral questions posed by the British Empire and it was on this subject that he…

Notes from the Head – 4 October

4th October 2024

St Benedict, writing his Rule, fifteen centuries ago urged his monks always to practise balance between two contrary things and to remain attentive to what is essential. For most of us lay people this translates to a balance between work and play (or recreation), sensory satisfaction and silence, socialising and solitude. Too much of anything…

A massive congratulations are in order for Dev, who has received his promotion to Chorister confirmation letter.

We`re all very proud of Dev and his wonderful achievement!

#southwark #choir #music #chorister #promotion #family #friends #church #celebrate #celebration #fun

St Anthony’s Summer Celebration!

Last night, parents and staff came together to celebrate the end of another academic year, the beginning of Summer and to raise money for our school charities.

It was a fantastic night with a wonderful live band, PIMMS of plenty and and a delicious BBQ!

Thank you to everyone involved in bringing the evening together - Especially Ally our Charities and Outreach Coordinator. Everyone had a ball!

Hello Summer ☀️🩷🌸⭐️

#summer #summervibes #bbq #fun #friends #summer2023 #family #community #stanthonysprep #memories

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