News & Events

Hugh Gaitskell Assembly

7th February 2025

At Senior House Assembly on Friday morning, Academic-in-Residence Richard McMillan gave a talk on Hampstead resident and Labour leader Hugh Gaitskell. Gaitskell led the Labour Party from 1955 until his sudden death in 1963. Though he came from a prosperous background, he came to see socialism as morally and materially superior to free-market capitalism, which…

Notes from the Head – 31 January 2025

1st February 2025

Beauty is at once an allusive and controversial concept. All humans are attracted to beautiful things manifested in different forms, such as the physical, aesthetic, artistic or musical. Catholic thinkers from Augustine to Aquinas understand beauty as a gift from almighty God and discern an intrinsic link between Beauty and Truth: both ideas point towards…

Holocaust Memorial Day

31st January 2025

Academic-in-Residence Richard McMillan gave a talk to Senior House pupils on the Holocaust to coincide with Holocaust Memorial Day, which occurs on 27th January each year, this date being the date of the liberation of Auschwitz Concentration Camp by Soviet forces in 1945. This year marks eighty years since the liberation and there are very…

Word from the Head – 24 January 2025

27th January 2025

Democracy and Populism To a greater or lesser extent, we are all children of the Enlightenment: we assent, almost as if it were a religious doctrine, to a series of core beliefs, many of which are derived from Rousseau’s concept of the General Will. This might be taken as alluding to the equal status before…

Word from the Head – 17 Jan 2025

17th January 2025

The Ascent of Scientism It is commonplace to equate the term ‘progress’ with improvement. An enlightened person would be deemed to be someone who held ‘progressive views’ that are closely associated with liberal political views, which in turn emphasise the autonomy of the individual. ‘My life, my body, my choice’ is a mantra which can…

Critical Thinking at St Anthony’s

13th January 2025

Critical thinking adds great value to our education. Richard McMillan writes more in this article in the Ham&High. Richard McMillan on St Anthony’s School critical thinking | Ham & High

St Anthony’s Debating Society

10th December 2024

On Monday 9th December, the St Anthony’s Debating Society hosted a debating contest with Ivy House School. We debated two topics, one of which had been prepared and the other of which was announced on the day. The first topic was whether awards ceremonies should be banned in primary schools. The second topic was whether…

Notes from the Head – 06 December

7th December 2024

Fight, Flight, or Adapt When I was a child, perhaps in my last year at primary school, I remember my mother imploring the teacher not to allow me access to a calculator. Her fear was that a calculator would render me numerically impaired leaving me unable to manage mental maths. I don’t think my mother’s approach was…

The life and works of Sir Edward Elgar, composer and Hampstead resident

6th December 2024

On Friday morning, Academic-in-Residence Richard McMillan gave a talk on the life and works of Sir Edward Elgar. This was the second of two talks this term on famous Hampstead residents. Elgar came to live in Hampstead at the height of his fame. Having established himself as England’s preeminent composer, what better place to live…

Notes from the Head – 29 November

30th November 2024

In the old pre-Vatican II days, the season of Advent was more obviously penitential in character. The Gloria was not said at Mass and the use of flowers and the organ were much reduced; the liturgical colour of purple is reminiscent of Lent and even Christmas Eve was a day of fasting and abstinence. Such privations gave…

A massive congratulations are in order for Dev, who has received his promotion to Chorister confirmation letter.

We`re all very proud of Dev and his wonderful achievement!

#southwark #choir #music #chorister #promotion #family #friends #church #celebrate #celebration #fun

St Anthony’s Summer Celebration!

Last night, parents and staff came together to celebrate the end of another academic year, the beginning of Summer and to raise money for our school charities.

It was a fantastic night with a wonderful live band, PIMMS of plenty and and a delicious BBQ!

Thank you to everyone involved in bringing the evening together - Especially Ally our Charities and Outreach Coordinator. Everyone had a ball!

Hello Summer ☀️🩷🌸⭐️

#summer #summervibes #bbq #fun #friends #summer2023 #family #community #stanthonysprep #memories

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