Parliament Week (UKPW) is an annual event, spreading the word about what Parliament is, what it does and how we can all get involved. At St Anthony’s this week, we have marked UKPW for the first time.
Boys from Years 1 – 8 have each been learning about the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Monarch’s role in the opening of parliament. Each year group then took part in an activity – we have seen fierce debates, close elections, a range of manifestos and lots of campaigning! We are fortunate to have many boys at St Anthony’s who genuinely care about politics, local and global issues and the world in which we live. As well as the week giving them further insight into Parliament, we hope that it may have influenced some of our boys to enter the world of politics themselves. Who knows – we could have a future Prime Minister walking amongst us!
Paul, who led the week, was delighted with the feedback from classes across both houses and hopes UK Parliament Week will become an annual event in our school calendar.
Well done, boys!
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