Year 6 Play – Streicher at Nuremberg

Posted: 7th March 2024

On Monday 6th March at 6pm, a group of Year 6 pupils performed the St Anthony’s Holocaust Memorial Play. This focused on the trial at Nuremberg of Julius Streicher, former Gauleiter of Franconia and editor of the anti-Semitic magazine Der Sturmer.

Streicher was accused of inciting the German people to accept the regime’s policy of genocide. The pupils acquitted themselves brilliantly with some really powerful performances which did full justice to the seriousness of the subject matter. The audience were fully absorbed from start to finish and the applause at the end was fulsome and extensive. Some carefully chosen costumes for the judges and prosecuting counsel, in particular the Soviet contingent, and for the US military police on duty in the courtroom helped re-create the atmosphere of the era in which the trial was held.

To read more about the play, do click the programme here

Congratulations to all involved!

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