St Anthony’s ace the Intermediate Mathematics Challenge

Posted: 26th February 2024

Our boys in Year 7 and 8 always take part in the annual Intermediate Mathematical Challenge. Although this Challenge, is aimed at pupils in Year 11 (15-16 years old), this year, we encouraged our younger boys to take part in Year 5 and 6.

The boys received excellent results. We are particularly proud of all the boys who put themselves forward – it is such a fantastic opportunity for them. In total, 45% of boys received an award: 2 Gold, 5 Silver and 20 Bronze.

Gold certificates were awarded to two boys in Year 6, and they were also invited to the prestigious follow-on round: the Grey Kangaroo! We also had a Year 5 pupil earned himself a Silver Certificate and only 1 mark away from the Grey Kangaroo – an extraordinary feat!

We are so proud of all our boys who participated in the challenge.

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