
It is a St. Anthony’s policy to keep uniform requirements to a minimum. That which we do request, however, must be clearly marked with a sewn-in tab. If it is properly labelled, our lost property procedure ensures and item’s return. Unmarked lost property is disposed of at the end of each term. Your son may wear any appropriate rainwear or coat to and from school.

Items in bold are only available through the school suppliers: UNIFORM4KIDS at 1103/1105 Finchley Road, Temple Fortune, London NW11 0QB (Tel:020 8209 0999)


Other items may be purchased through any supplier

School blazer

School sweatshirt

School polo shirt

Book bag

Grey trousers or shorts

Grey socks

Black outdoor shoes

Art overall

P.E. Kit

School tracksuit

Blue sports shorts


School sun hat

White t-shirt: plain, round neck


Swimming trunks, towel and flip flops

Plain white socks

From Year 2 onwards, the following additional items are required

School football shirt

Plain navy football socks

Football boots (from the end of September until Easter only)

Football boot bag

From Year 3 onwards, the following additional items are required

Shin pads

Mouth guard for hockey (available from many pharmacists and sports shops, though ‘Opro’ mouth guard fitters do visit the school early in September if you would like one to be professionally fitted).

In Senior House the dress code changes slightly. All boys in Years 4 to 8 are expected to wear

Plain white collared shirt

School tie


The St. Anthony’s navy V-neck jumper may be worn if the weather is cold.

Shoes must be plain, polished black leather and preferably lace up, and socks are to be dark, preferably black.