This morning the boys in the Senior House were fortunate to have an introductory lecture about international relations, which was delivered by Dr Walter Ladwig III, Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Kings College, London. Dr Ladwig engaged the boys by posing the pertinent questions of international relations, such as ‘Why do wars happen?’ and ‘Why is it hard for countries to cooperate?’. The audience listened with rapt attention as Dr Ladwig used the analogy of a classroom without a teacher to explain how nations can struggle to maintain peace. His key question was, who would get their way – the boys who chose to play tag, or the boys who chose to read? To conclude, Dr Ladwig introduced a clear framework to consider international relations both past and present, which will be of great use in our history lessons moving forward. We were all very grateful for such an interesting and inspiring talk, which will live long in our memory.
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